Publications authored by Peter W. Harben
The Industrial Minerals Handybook - A Guide to Markets, Specifications, & Price 1st Edition
Peter W. Harben
The Industrial Minerals HandyBook - A Guide to Markets, Specifications, & Prices 2nd Edition
Peter W. Harben
The Industrial Minerals HandyBook - A Guide to Markets, Specifications, & Prices 3rd Edition
Peter W. Harben
Industrial Minerals HandyBook IV (Ebook Edition)
Peter W. Harben
Peter W. Harben
Mining Geology
Peter W. Harben
Geology of the Nonmetallics
Peter W. Harben
Sampling Industrial Minerals & Ores
Peter W. Harben and G.H. Edwards
Geology of the Nonmetalics
Peter W. Harben and Robert L. Bates
Industrial Minerals - A Global Geology
Peter W. Harben and Milos Kuzvart
Mines and Mining
Peter W. Harben
Other Publications
The Industrial Minerals HandyBook - A Guide to Markets, Specifications, & Prices, Fourth Edition, Industrial Minerals Information Services, UK, in press, 2002, 412 pp
“Geology of Chromium” in Chromium, 2nd edition, N. Keegan, ed., IMIL, London, pp. 6-18, 2001.
Calcium Carbonate A review of global supply (with Ted Dickson and Murray Lines), Materials Markets Consulting, London, UK, 124 pp., 2001.
Beryllium in Financial Times Executive Commodity Reports - Industrial Minerals, 24 pp., 2000.
Industrial Diamonds in Financial Times Executive Commodity Reports - Industrial Minerals, 28 pp., 2000.
Kaolin in Financial Times Executive Commodity Reports - Industrial Minerals, 32 pp., 2000.
Salt in Financial Times Executive Commodity Reports - Industrial Minerals, 40 pp., 2000.
“Kaolin Fillers in a Paper Chase” in Raw Materials for Pigments, Fillers & Extenders, N. Keegan, ed., IMIL, London, pp. 23-28.
Bauxite & Alumina – Uses and Markets, (contributing author with Ted Dickson and Alison Russell), Industrial Minerals plc, London, UK, 112 pp, 1999.
Sampling Industrial Minerals & Ores, (co-authored with G.H. Edwards), Industrial Minerals Information Services, UK, 112 pp., 1999.
The Industrial Minerals HandyBook - A Guide to Markets, Specifications, & Prices, Third Edition, Industrial Minerals Information Services, UK, 306 pp., 1999.
Manganese - Uses & Markets, (co-authored with C. Raleigh & J. Harris), Industrial Minerals Information plc, London, UK, 110 pp, 1998.